By accessing and/or using this website (hereinafter “the Website”), you agree to comply with and be bound by the general conditions of use set out below and, where applicable, the other rules and conditions appearing on the Website. These conditions are subject to change and so we advise you to check their content regularly for any changes. Unless otherwise stated, these changes will in principle take effect as soon as they are published on the Website.
The Website and its associated services are created and administered by BPI Real Estate Belgium SA (BPI for short), which is part of the Compagnie d’Entreprise CFE SA Group (CFE for short), with registered office at 30 Av. Van Nieuwenhuyse, B-1160 Brussels, company number BE0438.425.053.
The primary aim of the Website is to provide information on the activities of BPI and/or of its partners.
BPI endeavours to ensure that the contents of this Website are correct and kept up to date. However, BPI does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, appropriateness, completeness or currentness of the content. BPI cannot therefore be held responsible for any typographical or other errors or mistakes relating to the content of the Website.
The information appearing on the Website is therefore not binding and cannot be regarded as providing personal, professional or legal advice for users.
Subject to mandatory legal provisions to the contrary that might apply in the case of you being a consumer, BPI cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage resulting from or as a consequence of the use of this Website and/or the information it contains, such as, but not restricted to, the loss of profits, turnover or data, for whatever reason, even if BPI has been warned of the possibility of such damage or loss arising.
No guarantee is given regarding the correct operation of the Website and BPI cannot be held responsible in any way for the malfunctioning or temporary unavailability of the Website.
The Website may contain hypertext links to other websites or third-party pages, or refer to them indirectly. The fact of including links to such sites is not in any way an implicit approval of their content. BPI cannot in any circumstances be held responsible for their content or characteristics or for any kind of damage resulting from their use.
You agree not to gather or collect data of a personal nature on any other user of the Website or any associated service, without having obtained their prior consent. You are also strictly prohibited from downloading or re-using substantial parts of the Website, or from downloading or re-using, systematically or regularly, less substantial parts of the Website. You are also prohibited from spreading viruses or any other technology that might damage the operation of this Website or the interests of the other users.
This Website and its contents, including but not restricted to conceptions, texts, graphics, images, videos, sounds, logos and icons, are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights (trademarks, databases, etc.) and cannot be copied, reproduced, distributed, used, adapted and/or translated, in full or in part, without the prior written permission of BPI and/or the holder of the right concerned. The information provided on or via the Website can only be used for non-commercial internal private purposes. The user of the Website cannot use (including disseminate, reproduce, sell or transfer in any form) the information for any other purpose, particularly for commercial purposes. The illicit use of all or part of the Website may result in prosecution in accordance with current legislation.
The Website, its operation and its use are governed solely by Belgian law, excluding rules on conflicting laws. Subject to mandatory legal provisions to the contrary, the courts of Brussels have sole competence for any dispute related to the access to and/or use of this Website.
Last update: September 2019
After-sales service
Our after-sales service assists you, once the keys to your apartment have been handed over, in dealing with the actions of the company tasked with remedying any defects identified during the deliveries.